Hope Is Important

We’d like to congratulate the Fishers on the birth of their newest little gamer, but that means that Daniel is too busy on daddy-duty to come out and record with us. He did, however, jump on to the beginning of the episode to remind us about his contest to give away a set of dice of the winner’s choice. Get your entries in by April 30th for your chance to win.

That said, Jeff and I are still going strong talking about exchanging games that don’t make it to table to get excited about new stuff, Onirim coming out in app form, and talking about our upcoming game of The Sprawl leads to a discussion of dystopia and the transformative nature of hope.

Episode 147 – Dreamation, Elation, and the Invitation

In this episode, Daniel and I talk about how Phase 10 made his kids cry. We talk about the InnRoads team’s trip to Dreamation in Morristown, NJ – including Smirk & Dagger’s upcoming games, talk to folks from Civic Games about how they’re trying to get people to think about how we live and work together in the world expressed through gaming, and a few reasons why I think Barker’s Row is a must pick up when it shows up on kickstarter on March 28th.

We also talk about the value of invitation – allowing others to initiate the conversation rather than searching for the right way to inject it ourselves.