Episode 83 – Help For Those in the Battle

We talk about the games we’re playing like Zooloreto and Doomtown, give a bit of a teaser for our upcoming video series introducing you guys to D&D 5e, have a brief discussion about the “Gamergate” hashtag.

On top of all that, though, a good chunk of this episode is both of us talking about an issue from a number of weeks ago that fell in between our recording schedule and our gencon episodes. While the media and bloggers have stopped talking about it, we wanted to take a minute to talk about Robin Williams, depression, and our own struggles with mental health.



Also – as per the announcement at the end of the episode – be sure to sign up and/or support our players for our Extra Life 2014 Event

One thought on “Episode 83 – Help For Those in the Battle

  1. Terrific episode, guys.
    I have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for 31 of the 39 years of my life, and while medication helps…a LOT… I too, have the understanding that said medication is going to be a part of the rest of my life.
    It is great that more and more people are coming forward with their mental health struggles… when I was young, I thought I was the only person in the world who had the issues that I had.
    Medication is a God-send, it truly is. I remember going to a Christian psychologist who really wanted me to understand that God loves me…so I had nothing to worry about. Well, hey, that is great, but I already knew that…it was a chemical imbalance that was giving me anxiety, not a worry that (well, fill in the blank, really). I couldn’t count the times I prayed that God would take away my panic attacks, or alleviate my anxiety…and I really think that God worked through chemists to bring me the medication I need to make it through each day. If anyone out there is avoiding medication because it might be a sign that they aren’t trusting God, I want them to know this: God gives His gifts in His own way, not the way we might think they should be given. If He decides to work through a pharmaceutical company instead of snapping His fingers and causing your problems to disappear, then who are we to refuse that gift?

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