Episode 223 – My Father’s Footsteps

Both of your hosts have had moments playing a certain game with our kids recently. The game in question is My Little Scythe — the kids version of the well loved and respected strategy epic. In this episode, we break down what makes a good “kids version” of a game, the value of sharing games like this with our kids, and how playing My Little Scythe has proven to be a microcosm for us in regards to discipleship, invitation, and the beautiful act of sharing Christ from a place where we just want to tell people how deeply He has impacted our lives.

And for those playing the home game — Some of the mechs Mike has been painting for his copy of Scythe.

Episode 222 – Trying to Get Closer to God

Did you miss us? We’re back!

Daniel and Mike sit down to talk about the conventions we got to while we weren’t on here making content for you all. We talk about what it’s like give up ourselves for other folks at the gaming table, about how much value can be seen and felt in even the smallest acts of encouragement, and how when we truly trust the in the sovereignty of God — it has a profound impact on the ways we talk to each other, down even to the core of what we see when we look at each other.