Episode 68 — An Interview with Marty Connell from Rolling Dice & Taking Names

GSP 68 – Final martyIn this episode we had a chance to talk with Marty Connell from the Rolling Dice & Taking Names podcast on the Dice Tower Network. We talk about their podcast and the experiences Marty has had hosting it over there since they started in 2012.



Absalom in Shadow header copy

Through the course of talking with Marty, we also got talking about some of our hopes for

the future of InnRoads. We also talked specifically about our upcoming Pathfinder play-by-post: Absalom in Shadow, that will be run by our own Jeff Romo.

Oh, and Fireball Island. Don’t question it. Just listen to the episode.

Fireball Island Commercial

Episode 67 — Better Late than Never … to Be Kind

WARNING – In this episode we mention an issue that recently stirred up a whole hornets’ nest of rage and bile on both sides of the table. If you hear what we have to say, and want to comment. We just ask two things of you first:

1) We at GSP adhere to Wheaton’s Law. Follow it.
2) Listen to the whole episode before you look to comment.

If you still want to ask us about why or how we come to our conclusions, then feel free to comment or email us at mike@innroadsministires and luke@innroadsministries. Thanks


There wasn’t a whole lot of exciting gaming news either personally or corporately that we could talk of, so in this episode, we can FINALLY sit down to talk about the Doctor Who Christmas special that said good by to Mike’s favorite Doctor, Matt Smith. We also discuss the nature of fandom. We can twist something so beautiful as a passion for a piece media, a game, or whatever – and turn it into a means to separate, isolate, and degrade others for not doing it in the manner we believe to be correct.

Be sure to check out this blog post from Jamie the Very Worst Missionary to see what Mike got so excited about. If you do, tell her we say hi. She’s a very talented blogger.